Midsumma Festival 2024


Picture this: bridal party; a bunch of twenty-something teenagers; an apprentice mechanic with no game; their sandstone university bitch ex-girlfriend; a... . man... . who likes AFL... or something...; a fridgetoker; everyone coming together for the first time since graduation to celebrate the nuptials of a girl they kind of don’t really know anymore but still feel concerned enough about to consider an intervention.

Well, they would do an intervention. But there’s a problem. The bride is not here, and even though it’s her bridal shower, there are more important things to do than finding her. Exes to fight, people to woo, twin flames to separate, and political debates to be had. What does marriage actually mean to the gay hive mind? You probably won’t find out here. But you’ll have fun anyway!

From Unspooled Theatre Collective comes "Marriage". It’s funny, it’s angry, it’s horny, it’s obviously gay, we’re at Midsumma guys. Join us for a pre quarter life crisis, or forever hold your peace.

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