
What is it to be Tender? Is it gentle and affectionate or sensitive and aching? Featuring an all-queer cast, Tender probes this question to uncover and explore relationships, power play, desire, and sexuality with flips, tricks, high kicks, hair whips and musical quips. Strap on in as Tender creates a playground between floor and air by merging aerial and ground disciplines as well as dance, and live original music to disassemble gender constructs and dismantle binaries. At the heart of it, Tender is a joyous celebration of queer community, connectedness, vulnerability and, of course, tenderness. Expect to walk away feeling as though you have experienced a big rainbow cuddle puddle. https://www.facebook.com/GasworksArtsPark/ https://www.facebook.com/tendertheshow/ https://www.instagram.com/gasworksartspark/ https://www.instagram.com/tendertheshow/ https://www.gasworks.org.au/ https://www.tendertheshow.com
8 February 2025
60 minutes
Gasworks Arts Park
Themes of a sexual nature, Strong language, Strobe lights, Smoke/haze, Mature themes