The Butcher, The Baker

You want to be a butcher? You've got to love a butcher. The Butcher, The Baker... project was originally inspired by my experiences of living with a group of women on Amazon Acres deep in the New South Wales bush in the 1970's "No men, no meat, no machines". A tale with a twist, The Butcher, The Baker... is a story of a woman who in an effort to probe the mystery of a man she is obsessed with but cannot get close to disguises herself as a male. But the plan misfires and she is left with more than a sting in her tail!!! " Cabaret at its best! " - Jonathan Marshall, Inpress " Fantastically haunting cabaret music of the Weimar period... . Keen powers of observations... seething, seamy eroticism. " - Geoffrey Milne, ABC Radio " The songs are the stand-out element, the music has an urgency to it that is alluring and the lyrics are rich in imagery " - Fiona Scott-Norman, The Age " A deft mixture: poetic monologue, some excellent dialogue and nifty, moody songs... well-structured and crafted and always with a wacky European edge to its delivery " - Steven Carroll, The Age
8 February 2025
75 minutes
Theatre Works
Violence, themes of a sexual nature, depictions of death, strong language